With over 20 years of experience in counselling and a background in Islamic studies, Ustaz Yusri has an edge in providing the best service that balances modern counselling techniques with guidance from the Quran and Sunnah, as well as lessons from the Sirah of Rasulullah s.a.w.
The experience gained from serving at the mosque, being involved with the Syariah Court, ROMM, Office of the Mufti (Muis) as well as a member of the Appeal Board, Muis, and as a former instructor for the marriage preparatory course under the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) enables him to provide value-added service in guiding couples who are planning to get married, newly-weds and couples who are in the first 1 – 10 years of marriage.
The programs we offer will be tailored to suit the needs of couples planning to get married or are already married through relevant modules such as improving communication between the couple, household finances, identifying and overcoming conflicts between the couple, parents, in-laws, as well as other relevant topics. Real-life scenarios and examples will be shared with the couple to help them navigate the hurdles of married life.
Couples can choose for the sessions to be held in-person at home, or via virtual conferencing on Zoom. Sessions typically last for about half a day (3-4 hours or less) for one session, and clients may need three or four sessions in total depending on the couple’s needs, schedules and agreement. Hopefully, early intervention will help you build a marriage that is filled with sakinah (tranquillity), mawaddah (love) and rahmah (mercy). Please reach out to us with your enquiries or to set up an appointment.